Winery​ Roof Becomes D.C. Taylor Co.’s 4th RoofPoint™ Registered Project

July 6, 2013

D.C. Taylor Co. is proud to announce that its roofing project at the Charles Krug Winery in St. Helena, Calif., has been recognized as a RoofPoint™ Registered Project. This is the national roofing contractor’s fourth RoofPoint Registered Project.

RoofPoint™ is a voluntary, consensus-based green rating system developed by the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing to provide a means for roofing contractors, building owners, and designers to select roof systems based on long-term energy and environmental benefits.

RoofPoint Registered Projects demonstrate roofing excellence in several key categories, including energy, materials, water, life cycle, and durability management. RoofPoint Registered Projects are submitted by applicants and determined to meet a minimum score overall and in each major RoofPoint category. RoofPoint Registered Projects are recognized to embody the key principles of sustainable roofing.

“RoofPoint Registered Projects represent the unique contribution the roofing industry is making to sustainable construction and showcase the critical role roofs play in mitigating the impact buildings have on our environment,” said Center President Craig Silvertooth.

From October 2012 to January 2013, a D.C. Taylor Co. crew restored the 187,500-square foot foam roof with an acrylic coating. This high-performance coating will extend the service life of the roof by 25-plus years. “Because existing roof assembly components were reused, more than 10,500 cubic yards of waste was diverted from the landfill,” explains Mike S. O’Bryant, Regional Account Manager.

During roof preparation and pressure washing, D.C. Taylor Co. captured the water run-off. This prevented contaminated water from entering the soil at the vineyard.

Blue Sky Utility, a Napa, California-based solar rooftop developer, subcontracted with D.C. Taylor Co. for the installation of a solar system on the newly cured roof. An eight-man crew installed 1,345 solar standoffs and the solar PV racking system, flashing the standoffs with new foam and coatings. Next, 4,620 solar panels were installed. The system will provide 1.6 megawatt hours of energy annually, helping the vineyard offset its demand from the grid.

About D.C. Taylor Co.
D.C. Taylor Co. is a commercial roofing contractor with more than 60 years of experience repairing, installing, and maintaining roofs at commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities. With service centers in seven states and more than 60 service and roofing crews, D.C. Taylor Co. is poised to respond to customer’s needs quickly and efficiently. For more information visit D.C. Taylor Co.

About the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing 
The Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., whose mission is to promote the development and use of environmentally responsible, high performance roof systems and technologies. RoofPoint, the RoofPoint logo, and Elevating Environmental Performance are exclusive trademarks of the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing.

About Blue Sky 
Utility Blue Sky Utility is a renewable energy developer providing custom solar solutions for large facilities. Our highly experienced team offers a one-stop-shop to maximize efficiency by providing innovative financing solutions, optimizing structure surfaces, and utilizing the most trusted roof specialists and contractors in the industry to offer complete systems engineered to last. We’ve already installed more than 1 million square feet of combined power in California alone, helping facilities save thousands in utility bills each month. Blue Sky Utility combines extensive engineering knowledge with financial expertise to create custom solar energy solutions that work for each facility’s specific requirements and needs. For more information and a list of clients, visit

About Charles Krug Winery 
Located in St. Helena, California on 137 acres, Charles Krug Winery, owned by the Peter Mondavi Sr. family for four generations, is Napa Valley’s first winery established in 1861. Currently three generations of the family work in the winery and concentrate on producing the finest handcrafted Bordeaux varietals from various Napa Valley appellations. For more information, visit:

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