What Is a Good Time of Year to Reroof?
A variety of factors can influence the timing of your next roofing project – not the least of which is the contractor’s availability, urgency of the roof condition, and capital approval. When you get a choice though, do you know what season is best to schedule your roofing project?
Reroofing in Spring
Contracting in winter with a roofing project scheduled in spring offers some big benefits. A customer can be assured of a slot in the schedule ahead of others who decide to reactively reroof when inclement weather creates a sense of urgency.
When the weather shifts, work can begin immediately. And since rental equipment shortages (e.g. cranes, aerial work platforms, etc.) aren’t likely, project planning won’t be affected.
The building owner may also get lower pricing as material costs rise during the year and roofing contractors are eager to add projects to their backlog in spring.
Mother Nature may be the only obstacle to spring reroofing. Storms can wreak havoc on schedules and keeping projects watertight. Temperatures may also fall below workable limits. If you’re located in tornado alley, that is another big concern.
Reroofing in Summer
The long days of summer are perfect for achieving the highest productivity of the year. Roofing crews have a large amount of time each day to set up the job and break it down during daylight hours. Warmer temperatures mean that adhesives set up quicker, allowing work to move faster too.
With a larger labor pool and more personnel looking for work, there’s a better chance that a worker shortage won’t sideline your project in the summer.
Summer projects come with their fair share of disadvantages, though. The heat stress on people, equipment, and materials can be a challenge. If your location is a tourist destination or hosts summer festivals, hotel expenses for a traveling crew can be pricey (assuming rooms can be secured at all).
Additionally, with your staff taking summer vacations, crews may struggle to get answers to questions when the project is underway.
Reroofing in Fall
As the blazing heat of summer gives way to crisp mornings and mild temperatures, fall offers the ideal environment for roofing. Despite shorter days, the weather conditions are usually excellent. While late spring and summer offer an influx of new employees added to crews, these newbies are more seasoned by fall and can contribute more to the project.
There are plenty of advantages to scheduling a roofing project in fall, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention a few cons. The biggest one is pricing. Building owners may see a bigger price tag for their reroofing project, as material costs have risen during the year and roofing contractors with a backlog may charge more. Rental equipment may also have shortages as it’s the end of the traditional roofing season. If your facility is located on the coast, hurricanes are also a concern.
Reroofing in Winter
Facilities located in warmer climates have the advantage of performing work on the building envelope almost year-round. There are more benefits to scheduling a project down south in winter too.
Completing the project during the winter months is ideal because materials can be purchased before typical supply and demand forces prices up in the summer.
Roofing contractors also have a low backlog during the winter months. Because business is lighter, you can opt for crews with more experience or request a project supervisor you’ve worked well with before. The availability of manpower can work in your favor. Crew size can be increased to make a long project shorter.
The Sooner the Better
Regardless of where your facility is located, one benefit remains the same – energy savings. The sooner energy-efficient roofing measures are implemented, the sooner the savings begin. In some situations, expected energy savings may even exceed the amortized cost of the roofing project. Contact the D. C. Taylor Co. office closest to you to let us know how we can help protect your roof.