Roof Maintenance for Commercial Buildings
At D. C. Taylor Co., we understand that your commercial roof is a significant investment. Our roof maintenance technicians can keep your roof in excellent working condition for years to come.
Our Roof Maintenance Process
First, a technician examines the condition of the roof system, evaluating each element for functionality, using a standard process and inspection checklist. Then, we compare the roof condition and function against customer expectations and review the inspection checklist with the customer. Next, we perform minor repairs such as resealing terminations, fixing small punctures, replacing missing fasteners, and replacing deteriorated caulking or sealants. Finally, we review the roof system conditions and deliver before-and-after photos with the customer to keep in their records.
Roof Maintenance Services Available
Our skilled technicians are able to complete a variety of roof maintenance services including:
- Inspect the entire roof system and its condition.
- Identify areas that may need repair .
- Provide repair recommendations, plan, and budget for identified areas.
- Track roof warranty conditions and repairs.
- Perform moisture survey for potential roof leaks and water damage.
- Determine if a more extensive reroof or roof restoration is necessary.